Thursday, January 21, 2010


Well my husband promised me that he would have ALL his applications submitted by this week and they are officially done! Wow that feels good! Now... for the waiting period. I am so ready to pick a school and know where we are going to be living, but theres's one problem, we don't know where we've been accepted yet! I guess I just need to be patient. It seems like everyday we are excited about a certain school and that is where we are definitely going to go, but then tomorrow comes and we get excited about a different school and we are definitely going there instead! It's kinda fun! Our plans officially change every 24 hours.

We are so excited to start hearing back from some of these schools, we'll keep you posted!! We applied to 11 schools...

Michigan State
George Mason
George Washington
William and Mary
Brigham Young


Rhiannon said...

congrats! i vote pepperdine!

The Cooking Schaack said...

Hey this has been fun for me to read. My hubby is gone A LOT cause he travels with work. So I am always looking for things to do. Hear is something that I have done with Cami my little girl to help the day go by a little faster . Do you have a air mattress? I blow it up and lay it vertical against the couch and it makes an awesome slide. It is totally safe too !!! Anyways keep posting cause I like reading :}

Cyndy Parkinson said...

Dr. Robert Schuller wrote a great book years ago titled "Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do!"  No matter what's going on...this too shall pass. 

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